MAZE Resolutions PA wants everyone to stay safe and healthy through these difficult times!
MAZE Resolutions PA welcomes you to online mediation, the new frontier of the digital world. Online mediation is a non-traditional innovative strategy of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The ADR industry has been evolving into the digital era of the 21st century. For instance, dealing with new technologies such as the use of analytics, artificial intelligence, and virtual meetings. When the word “online” is used for mediation this method could be used for video conferencing, telephonic communication, and confidential email document sharing.
1. A virtual mediation is flexible and helps create quicker decisions for litigants whether they’re in Florida or in another state.
2. The parties can strategize in their own comfortable setting without each party seeing them in-person.
3. Online mediation saves money and time for everyone to meet face to face.
4. The parties have no travel time costs since the mediation is online.
Role of the Mediator
The role of the mediator during an online mediation will be similar to a face to face mediation. The mediator will bring everyone together, either through video or teleconferencing or emailing. Furthermore, the parties will go into private caucus with the mediator. Online mediation for civil disputes can include business, employment, construction, first party and also personal injury disputes. For family disputes, online mediation is most helpful for settling a divorce because of all the costs depending on how complex the issue is. Also, the majority of family cases, the parties are separated throughout the mediation. In conclusion, online mediation mitigates the costs depending on the complexity of the family or civil dispute. Additionally, the matter of cutting down the costs for litigants is crucial towards helping the parties cope with stress, create flexibility, and collaborate effectively to come to a resolution.
The Courts are closing their doors, but MAZE Resolution’s door is open to all those that need closure.
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